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Summer: April 30th


Winter: June 30th


For an example of paper submission requirements, 

click here


For your paper to be published, a copyright release form is required.

Fill out and submit that release here

All papers are double-blind reviewed. Submissions that do not adhere to the required format criteria will not be considered. Papers that are reviewed and accepted, but with minor revision recommendations, are sent back to the author for adjustments. Authors are asked to allow 3-4 months for the review process.

Journal integrity

At JMEI, we are committed to providing the journal audience with a quality and ethical publication outlet. Research misconduct of any kind will not be tolerated, and any allegation of such will result in immediate rejection. Academic plagiarism through submitting work in which words, facts, or ideas from another source are used, or material borrowed from a published or unpublished source without acknowledgment will not be accepted. Articles violating academic integrity will be rejected and authors will be notified of their violation. Please review the AIEMS Ethics Statement and the Code of Conduct and Best-Practice Guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). 

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